Sunday, January 2, 2011

oh what they don't tell you...

is how brutal it is when illness hits the whole family over the Christmas season. that things pass from one person to the next with zero discretion about who has to take care of whom, or obligations to go see family. nope, coughs and colds are pretty standard fare for parents of little kids, but oh man, when you hit your first. true. stomach. flu. it is horrid.

waking up every 10-15 min to wretching beside you in bed. going thru umpteen towels as you try and sop up puke from your bed/prevent it from seeping thru. nursing a sick toddler only to have it come up again (but, i don't know what i'd do if i wasn't breastfeeding my toddler still :) ). and then getting chills, fatigue, achiness and nausea (sympathy? real? who knows...) a couple days later?

oh yes. and it gets better too. then your child gets a cough, it develops into bronchitis (but you don't know this yet) and because your toddler doesn't know how to spit phlegm out, she swallows it and then pukes it up, right along with Christmas dinner when all your in-laws are visiting.

it has been a heck of a holiday, if i can even call it that. i think i'll go back to work to get better! LOL.