Sunday, December 12, 2010

What my baby girl can say...

well, i'm most recently lamenting my baby's favourite sentence: "No Mommy."
but, she does use it with Daddy too, so that makes me feel less the target of her toddler-defiant-ness! LOL.
i thought i'd use this post though, to write out all the things my baby can say. i frequently hang out/have playdates with mothers with 2+ kids, and find myself comparing my daughter to their same-age daughters. but i forget that their daughters are #3 in the birth order, not the first, like mine.

R can say Mama, Dada, Mommy, Daddy, Ami, Papa, no, yep, up-up, uppy-uppy, down, potty (sounds like boppy), apple, yum-yum, milk, water, bottle, Nennie (Jennie her daycare provider), Emma (Jennie's daughter), Ivy (=other kids she knows with a name starting with I), baby, wow, oh wow!, light, tee-tee (teeth, toothbrush), tv, whoa!, all done, more, "a boo" (a book), pillow, lie-lie (lie down), babu, dry-dry....poopy, pee-pee, off, owwie, bubbles...

and i'm probably missing some, but my baby is so smart! i love her so much! even when her toddler-ness drives me nuts LOL. :)