Friday, July 9, 2010


so dh and i recently cancelled our diaper service and started washing our own. and the question i asked myself this past week - why the heck didn't i start this earlier?????!! it's saving us $100 a month ($20/week with Bear Bottoms) that we currently don't have, and it really is easy. and it works with our front loader too! i always thought there'd be a lot of different cycles you'd have to run back and set it on, but all i'm doing is a cold wash/rinse without detergent and then a long hot wash w/ detergent (currently using Tide Free & Clear) with an extra rinse tacked on the end. there's a button to push to get the extra rinse, so i only have to go back down to put it on the hot wash and then to put them in the dryer. and when we get a clothesline up, i'll put them out there.

so, i've rented some dipes from a good friend and eventually want to build up my own stash (slowly :P). there's a contest being run by Dirty Diaper Laundry that i would love to win a Bum Genius 4.0 from. please visit their website via the button to the right. :)