Monday, January 12, 2009

Trying to stay positive...needing space in my ribs...

I've really been debating posting my thoughts lately. Not because I don't want to share them, but mostly because I don't want this blog to just be a space for me to vent/rant, and to not scare the women who read this who are first time mothers/gestate-ers...My goal in reading pregnancy forums, googling information, etc is not to scare myself, but do give myself a dose of reality to prepare myself for what is coming/what I'm experiencing. That is part of my goal in this blog.
What I've been feeling lately has been less than positive. I'm currently very uncomfortable, and to boot I slipped on some water on Saturday and fell, so my hips and lower abdomen and low back are pretty sore. It's getting better, but I haven't had the most positive attitude about things.
The major thought of this post is that I didn't realize that 3rd trimester is very uncomfortable. People have always talked (with humour) about how they get kicked in the ribs, can't breathe, have sore hips, but you don't really know until you experience it. I found a book at the midwives office last week offering some help - it's called The Pregnant Woman's Comfort Guide: Safe, Quick and Easy Relief from the Discomforts of Pregnancy and Postpartum by Sherry Lynn Mims Jiménez. It was published in 1992, so it's a bit older, but it has good suggestions for ways to relieve most of the aches and pains I've experienced in this pregnancy and has suggestions for postpartum as well.
I'm currently looking forward to when my baby engages its head in my pelvis, because it means it's little butt and feet won't be in my ribs. *sigh* Although I hear I'll be feeling different things in my pelvis at that'll be a change of pain location, but I will be able to breathe...